
Population a) What’s the population of the country? Compare this to the population of the US. (The US population is 316,514,732 and counting (it’ll be higher when you check.) The population is 201,032,714. A bit smaller than that of the US b) Where do the people live in this country? Rural areas? Urban areas? What are some of the major cities and their populations? Most people here live in Urban areas, although some do live in rural areas the majority are in urban areas. Agriculture - a) What types of agriculture do they have and what type of diet do they have? Brazil's main crops are coffee, corn, cattle, rice, soybeans, wheat and sugarcane. Their diet is somewhat similar to mexican foods, with their most popular dish being rice and beans. Industry and Tourism a) Are industry and tourism related to geography and climate? Yes. Tourism is more prominent in better climates and more geographically intriguing places. Cultural Activities a) Are there any notable historical events that add to the climate/culture story? Oktoberfest is celebrated in Brazil, new years is a big celebration, as well as the June parties. Info from wikipedia, and

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