Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Temperature controls in the city of Brasilia in Brazil

Brasilia is the capital of the country Brazil, and in this post I will be writing about the temperature controls that affect Brasilia. Brasilia is the capital city of Brazil, and the longitude and latitude are: 15.7989° S, 47.8667° W. The warmest month in Brasilia is September with an average temperature of 82.9 degrees. The coldest month in Brasilia is July with an average temperature of 55.2 degrees. The annual temperature range for Brasilia is 27.7 degrees. (I found this information on Wikipedia). One temperature control that affects Brasilia is the convergence of the trade winds that cause the climate to be more humid than it otherwise would be. ( One temperature control that doesn't affect Brasilia is the Brazil current. The Brazil current is a warm water current that helps keep coastal brazil temperate and mild but doesn't affect Brasilia as much. In the future, I don't see Brasilia's climate changing too much. Sea level rise would possibly affect the coastal cities of Brazil but Brasilia is further inland. The trade winds that cause the humidity wouldn't change too much but may be the only thing that could potentially change. Global warming could potentially influence the winds by changing the heating of the earth's surface which causes the winds in the first place. Other than that, I don't see it changing too drastically.

1 comment:

  1. Brazil has a very different climate from my assigned country, Ethiopia. It doesn't get as hot or as cold; Ethiopia's warmest month is a mere 77 degrees Fahrenheit and its coolest month is 68 degrees Fahrenheit). Its annual temperature range is more variable as well, as Ethiopia's is 9 degrees Fahrenheit. Brasilia and Ethiopia's capital city are similar since they are both more inland and an increase in sea level would most likely not make too much of a difference.
