Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daily Weather in Brasilia

My country's capital city is Brazilia. My forecast will cover March 20th-24th. The first day high is 86 and the low is 66 with a 20% chance of precipitation. The second day high is 84 and the low is 66 with a 90% chance of precipitation. The third day high is 83 with a low of 66 and a 90% chance of precipitation. The fourth day has a high of 83 with a low of 66 and an 80% chance of precipitation. The fifth and final day has a high of 78 and a low of 65 with an 80% chance of precipitation. The current weather radar shows lots of clouds over Brasilia. The colors are mainly blue and yellow which means mainly high cold clouds. The local terrain can't be seen because of the current heavy cloud cover.
The zoomed out map of South America shows a lot going on. First thing that catches my eye is 2 H pressure systems and 2 L pressure systems. There are also numerous warm and cold fronts approaching South America.The highest pressure is 1028 mb, and the lowest can't be seen because the numbers are covered by the letters.
The more zoomed in map of Brazil shows a lot less going on. There is a low pressure system south of brazil. The highest pressure I can read is 1012 mb. The only front I can see is a stationary front to the SE.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, the weather conditions in Brasilia tends to be a lot warmer with with a higher probability of rain then in Nuuk, Greenland. Also, unlike Brasilia, Nuuk is characterized by high pressure systems instead of low pressure systems. Similar to Brasilia, there seems to be no direct front over Nuuk, but to the far Southwest there is an occluded front.
